We encourage, educate, and empower students to create a strong cultural connection with Israel through an array of interesting educational and advocacy programs, campus-wide celebrations of Israel independence, and speakers. For more information, please contact IsraelFellow@bchillel.org


Birthright Israel

What is it? A first time peer group with educational trips to Israel for Jewish young adults ages 18 to 26. Taglit-Birthright Israel's founders created this program to send thousands of young Jewish adults from all over the world to Israel as a gift in order to diminish the growing division between Israel and Jewish communities around the world; to strengthen the sense of solidarity among world Jewry; and to strengthen participants' personal Jewish identity and connection to the Jewish people.

Interested? If so, join the Brooklyn College Hillel for the adventure of a lifetime: ten days in Israel with your friends and it is absolutely free! For more information, please contact Olya at IsraelFellow@bchilllel.org



MASA Israel Journey connects Jewish young adults (ages 18-30) to gap year, study abroad, post- college, and volunteer programs. No other organization makes it easier for young adults to have exciting, life- changing experiences in Israel.

Masa Israel Journey connects Jewish young adults (ages 18-30) to gap year, study abroad, post-college, and volunteer programs. No other organization makes it easier for young adults to have exciting, life-changing experiences in Israel. - See more at: http://www.masaisrael.org/#sthash.b2L2sKqo.dpuf

Already been to Israel? For those of you who have already gone on birthright and there's something in your body and mind telling you to go back to Israel, check out MASA. MASA enables young Jews (18-30 years old) from around the world to build a lasting relationship with the State of Israel. You can strengthen your Jewish identity,receive college credit and gain professional experience by participating in a long term program in Israel. To learn more about MASA click here 


Celebrate Israel Parade

Please join us as we participate in The Celebrate Israel Parade. The parade is an annual event that has become the world’s largest gathering in a non-partisan show of solidarity with the land and people of Israel. In addition to the registration, we'll create our own banner every year, based on the theme. If there is anyone who has creative ideas and wants to help us out, they should get in touch with me via my email.



The Shinshinim program’s mission is to bring Israel closer to Jewish communities on Long Island, to foster cross-cultural understanding, as well as nurture interest in love of and pride in Israel, particularly for our youth. Israel is integrated into the vision, mission, culture and programming of partner institutions.