Student Groups


Alpha Epsilon Pi (AEPi):

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AEPi, the Jew-ish fraternity of North America, provides opportunities for Jewish men seeking the best possible college and fraternity expe-rience. Students make lifelong friends and have unforgettable experiences. Contact


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(CHAI) Club - is dedicated to educating the campus community in the healthcare field and participates in local walks supporting different research and causes in the medical field, fundraisers, seminars and other events to educate potential blood donors and life savers. Contact:

Hillel Club:

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The Hillel Club's mission is to enhance a student's Jewish life on campus and beyond. Contact

Holocaust Remembrance Committee:

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The Yom HaSh-oah Committee increases awareness of the Holocaust across campus through a first hand account from a holocaust speaker and a walk to remember across campus. Contact:


Israel Independence Day Committee

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Israel Independence Day Committee (IIDC) - a group of students dedicated to planning and executing an interactive celebration for Israel In-dependence Day for the entire campus to enjoy. This committee promotes Israel pride at Hillel and on campus. Contact:

Israel’s Memorial Day

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Students participate in a ceremony dedicated to honoring the fallen Israeli soldiers. The ceremony includes a first hand account from an IDF soldier. Contact:


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LINK (Love, Imagine, Network, Knowledge) brings together Jewish women from all backgrounds to meet for educational activities, social support, and networking opportunities. Contact:

Orthodox Club:

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The OC brings together students to celebrate and share their rich religious Jewish heritage through weekly classes, events, and trips. Contact: or


Russian Speaking Jewish Club:

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The RSJC is a place for Russian speaking students to connect with their Jewish culture and make friends. Contact:

Mizrahi Club:

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The Mizrahi Club celebrates Mizrahi culture through social and religious activities such as prayer discussions and other cultural activities. Contact

United 4 Israel:

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United 4 Israel is dedicated to providing educational opportunities to explore Israel's rich past, vibrant culture and current political situation to the diverse student body at Brooklyn College. Contact:

Creative Coexistence (CreaCo):

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Creative Coexistence (CreaCo) is a club that is built to foster pluralism and peace among students at Brooklyn College through the medium of art. Contact:

Bulldogs for Israel:

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Details about Bulldogs for Israel coming soon!