Jewish Resources


The Orthodox Union in partnership with Hillel, administers the Heshe and Harriet Seif Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus (JLIC), a program that helps Orthodox students navigate the college environment, and balance their Jewish commitments with their desire to engage the secular world. In addition, JLIC provides avenues for spiritual development and exploration for Jewish students from varied backgrounds; JLIC presents a positive, sophisticated and welcoming face for Orthodox Judaism on campus.

JLIC currently exists on 21 secular college campuses and has been at Brooklyn College since 2002, co-educators Rabbi Reuven and Rebbetzin Shira Boshnack offer:

5:00 Women's Chabura

Join us for an examination of a classical and suprising sources to understand women in tanach.


Cinema Shiur - 12:30-1:15

Join Rabbi Boshnack for an exciting journey to find meaningful messages in our favorite movies.

Wednesdays 12:20-12:40

Scoop/Ladle/Bagel of inspiration- Join us for bagel/pancake or bowl of soup, depending on the weather, and a short dvar torah.


Ladies lunch and Learn Mini series 12:30-1:15

Join Shira Boshnack for discussions regarding timely topic.