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About Us

Tanger Hillel in your “Home Away from Home.”

We serve a diverse population of commuter students including Russian Speaking Jews, Israeli, Kavkazi, Bukharian, Orthodox and American students.


 What We Do

Jewish Life





Our Mission:

The Brooklyn College Hillel seeks to strengthen Jewish identity among the college's Jewish students

  • Sustain and develop their commitment to Israel

  • Increase understanding both between Jewish groups and between Jews and others

  • Foster a climate of tolerance through a pluralistic approach

  • Engage its students through Jewish learning opportunities, arts, culture, recreation and religious experience

  • Cultivate students’ participation in social action

Tanger Hillel utilizes the resources of Jewish partner organizations and agencies, as well as those of the city to bring the mission to life with our students. In addition, Tanger Hillel Board of Trustees supports these efforts by providing financial resources and fiscal, building, and program oversight in conformity with governance standards established by the International Hillel Center.

 Hillel House

The Tanger Hillel House at Brooklyn College is the largest Hillel facility at a New York campus and boasts some of the most impressive features of any Hillel in the nation.